Tips For Taking Helpful Accident Scene Photos After A Florida Keys Car Accident

Taking photos after a car accident is generally among the best ways of preserving evidence. Images taken after a car accident can come in handy when dealing with insurance companies or at-fault parties. When eyewitness accounts and police reports prove unreliable, pictures can prove quite beneficial. Generally, the right image can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. However, no matter how helpful accident scene photos can be, only take pictures after a car accident if your condition allows you to and if the accident scene is safe enough.
Usually, it is best to take accident scene photos before police officers arrive at the scene. Take accident scene photos while you wait for police officers to arrive. As you start taking accident scene photos, you need to keep several things in mind.
Document Property Damage
After being in a Florida Keys car accident, one of the things you should photograph is property damage. Often, people take photos of their own property and ignore other property damage. When documenting property damage, there is a lot you need to capture. It would be best if, after a car accident, on top of taking pictures of your damaged car, you also took photos of the other driver’s car, damaged signs, curbs, and any other damaged property around the accident scene. Take pictures from multiple angles and distances.
Document Injuries
Whether it is a cut, bruise, or laceration, make sure that you take photos of your injuries after a car accident. If you cannot photograph your injuries at the accident scene, you can try collecting pictures of your injuries at the hospital. Photos of injuries taken immediately after your accident can help show the severity of the trauma.
Take Photos From Different Distances and Angles
It is best to take a wide variety of photos after a car accident. So, don’t worry about taking too many photographs. After a car accident, photograph the accident scene from every possible angle to ensure you capture images that can help you recall and recreate the accident. Remember, it’s better to have many photos and delete the ones you don’t need later than to have a few and find that none of them are helpful. Photos that are taken “too close” or “too far away” often add limited value as they don’t paint an accurate picture of the extent of the damage.
Talk to a Florida Keys Injury Car Accident Attorney
Apart from photographing an accident scene, getting legal guidance from a car accident attorney is also crucial to the success of a claim. If you were recently involved in a Florida Keys auto accident, contact a Key West & Marathon car accident lawyer today at Florida Keys injury to schedule a consultation.