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Moped And Scooter Accidents On The Rise In Florida Keys


If you’ve visited Key West, you’ve undoubtedly seen countless tourists on mopeds and electric scooters. They are available to rent at dozens of locations.   You do not need special training to drive a moped or scooter.  However, drunk and distracted tourists have led to a dramatic increase in collisions and accidents.   As more and more people flock to Key West, the number of mopeds and scooters on the road increase.   This puts everyone – including the locals who are careful owners of moped and scooters – at risk.

While many people equate these modes of transportation with a bicycle in their mind, the results can be far more serious.  We commonly receive phone calls of individuals who are seriously injured while operating moped or e-scooter.  Recently, a female tourist riding a rented moped had to be airlifted to a hospital for life-threatening injuries after she collided with a car.

Moped and Scooter Accidents are an Increasingly Serious Problem

Statistics collected by the Key West Police Department reflect that the number of moped and e-scooter accidents each year continue to increase. At last count, there were nearly 400 such accidents each year, with over 20% resulting in severe or fatal injuries. Most locals have reportedly accepted moped and scooter accidents as a regular part of their day, with most saying that they see at least two such accidents a day on average during tourist season.

What is Causing These Accidents?

There are many contributing factors to these accidents, including a lack of familiarity with the roads, user error and a lack of skill riding a moped or e-scooter, incorrect usage of bike lanes, and generally reckless conduct. However, the Key West Police Department believes the primary cause of such accidents is drunk and distracted tourists. The police department emphasizes that while this may seem like a fun thing to do on vacation, it needs to be approached with the same caution and responsibility one would exercise when riding a motorcycle or operating a standard passenger vehicle. The consequences of an accident on a moped or scooter are no less significant than they would be on a motorcycle, and, in fact, can be far greater, as riders are rarely wearing helmets or protective gear, and often have no training or experience in how to mitigate harm in an accident.

Talk to a Florida Keys Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured or suffered significant financial damages as the result of a moped or scooter accident, contact the Key West personal injury attorneys at Florida Keys Injury and find out how we can help you get the compensation and support that you are entitled to.


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